Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Marcus Aurelius Essay Example for Free

Marcus Aurelius Essay Long before the 20th century Marcus Aurelius wrote :-If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it, and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.. Whether or not Albert Ellis was familiar with these words, and he was certainly familiar with the works of many ancient writers and he made the concept his own. According to Ellis, described as a passionate skeptic by one biographer, Daniel Weiner in 1988, and as one of the most provocative figures in modern psychology by the writer of his Washington Post obituary, Marcus Franklin, we all experience everyday what he described as Activating Events and these prompt us to look at and interpret or at least think about what is happening around us. His principles can be described as ABC. A. The activating experience B. The resulting belief C. The consequence. Ellis felt that the language often used to describe our experiences can be unduly negative and pessimistic. In the introduction to his 2002 book ‘Overcoming Resistance: A Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Integrated Approach’. He claims (page xi) that using words such as ‘ I am depressed’ gives the implication that depression is caused by circumstances we cannot control. He prefers the use of phrases such as ‘I depress myself’ or ‘I feel depressing’. In the same passage (page xii) he acknowledges that this narrow use of language makes it difficult to describe behavior and makes his writing difficult to follow. He came to the view that people were capable of controlling their feelings, as is obvious from several of his titles such as (1975)’ How to be happy though human’ ‘, ‘Sex without Guilt . ’(1958), A Guide to Personal Happiness (1982). Biography Albert Ellis was the eldest of three children born into a Pittsburgh, Jewish family. His father was a struggling business man, often away from home and his mother seems to have suffered from a bi-polar personality according to Ellis, which also resulted in her being rather a distant parent, often asleep when the children left for school and absent upon their return, leaving Albert to be responsible for his younger siblings. All three children worked to help family finances. He was a sickly child, having 8 periods in hospital in the two years from 5 to 7. His parents eventually divorced when Albert was aged 13. His difficult childhood made him, in his own words as quoted by C. G. Boeree in 2006 ‘a stubborn and pronounced problem-solver. ’ His early plan in junior high school was to become an accountant so that he could make enough money to retire while still young and then spend his time writing ‘the great American novel’. Most of his spare time was spent writing – plays, novels, poetry, essays. After some two dozen full length works had been rejected by publishers he realized that writing fiction was not for him. His biographers, Mike and Lidia Abrams tell how, after gaining a degree in business studies he later became a clinical psychologist having tried first in business and as a fiction writer. He found however that he was a very capable nonfiction writer. He began to produce work on Human Sexuality, slowing over time collecting material for a treatise ‘The Case for Sexual Liberty’ which was eventually published by the Seymour Press in 1965. This was a field of psychology relatively unexplored up until that point and upon which he soon became a noted expert and counselor. It was his success in this field that led him to look for a new career as a clinical psychologist. In 1942 he started to study for a doctorate of philosophy as a clinical psychologist. He chose Columbia University where psychologists were trained in the psychoanalytic method, a system he would later rebel against, choosing instead to encourage his clients to make active intervention. This was based upon his early experience when he cured his shyness by asking over 100 girls for cold dates in the Bronx Botanical Gardens and by making many appearances on public platforms as a peace campaigner. He didn’t get any dates, but, using this early example of cognitive behavior therapy, he claims he desensitized himself from his overwhelming fear of women. He completed his M. A. in 1943 and began a part time practice while still working towards his PhD degree. This was possible at the time because psychology was such a relatively new branch of medicine that there was then no system for the licensing of psychologists in New York State where he worked. Even before he obtained his doctorate Ellis began publishing psychological articles which were well received by his peers. One example of such an article was in 1946 when he wrote a critique of the many widely used personality tests, ‘A Critique of Personality Questionnaires’ that he felt were not sufficiently validated. His conclusion was that only one, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, truly met the standards of a research based instrument. Though out his life Ellis felt there was always more to be learnt about the human psyche. On the completion of his doctorate, Ellis sought further psychoanalytical training. As with most other psychologists of that era he was influenced by Freudian theories and is said to have believed that psychoanalysis was the best and deepest type of therapy available, something he would later refute. He was quoted by ‘Brainy Quotes’ as saying ‘ I thought foolishly that Freudian psychoanalysis was deeper and more intensive than other, more direct forms of therapy, so I was trained in it and practiced it. ’ Part of the reason for this change of mind was that Ellis found it didn’t matter how often he saw his patients –daily, bi-weekly, weekly or fortnightly – it all seemed to make little or no difference, they seemed to improve at the same rate. If, he thought, the frequency did not make any difference, what about the content. Gradually Ellis became less passive than was usual in Freudian style when listening to his patients and began to put forward his own ideas as to how they could make improvements in their lives. He was able to recommended principles that were derived from the works of ancient writers such as Epictetus who said ‘Control thy passions lest they take vengeance on thee. ’ and Marcus Aurelius who is quoted as having written ‘Be content to seem what you really are’ as well as Spinoza , quoted as having said ‘Do not weep; do not wax indignant. Understant and the more modern Bertrand Russell whose claim , as quoted on Brainy Quotes was that ‘Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. Ellis realized that these ideas helped his patients, and by 1955 he had totally abandoned Freudian psychoanalysis instead he would concentrate upon changing his client’s irrational behavior patterns by making them face up to the irrationality of the beliefs that were the basis for such behavior and then persuading them to adopt more realistic ones.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay examples --

1. There are many different reasons that are out there that tend to make businesses and business people feel portrayed. Business owners tend to be a very unique group of people but they all exhibit the same kind of characteristics that allow them to be very successful in what they do. Business owners need to be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to be successful with their jobs. Once they identify all of their weaknesses they need to make strategic plans that will help them turn them into strengths or limit the amount that the weakness brings them and their organization down. One of the most common overlooked traits of businesses and business people are their fascination with learning. These people always want to be able to know how things work and learn about new ways to do things. A lot of business owners feel also like they are never given enough credit where they feel like credit is due. They feel like the ability to be publicly recognized for doing a good j ob ends up going along way and a lot of them feel like they never have this happen to them. Business o...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Relationship and School Community Essay

Method While keeping in mind Mai’s method for determining subjects, I read the article â€Å"Care, Concern, and Communication† by Susan Pickford. I chose Mai’s conception because Wilson leaves out one major method of indexing that could be named user-oriented method (Mai, 2000). The basic idea of user-oriented method is that the indexer needs to have the user’s information needs and terminology in mind when determining the subject matter of the document as well as when selecting index terms for the document. It suggests that the indexer should have knowledge about the user’s needs to determine the subject matter. Mai argues 5 methods in indexing. First one is a simplistic conception similar to Wilson’s (1968) constantly referred to method. This method determines the subject by counting frequencies of occurrences of words in the document so it could be the most objective method. The problem is that there is not necessarily any correlation between occurrences of words in a document and its content. Second method is a document-oriented conception. The basic idea is that the indexer should establish the subject matter solely based on an analysis of the document itself; the goal is to represent the document as truthfully as possible and ensure the subject representation is valid for a long time. Third method is a content-oriented conception attempts to describe the content of the document as fully as possible. This conception shows historical and cultural circumstances that determine the subject matter of the documents. Fourth one is a user-oriented conception mentioned in above paragraph. Last one is a requirement-oriented conception. In this method, the indexers have knowledge about the users’ individual information needs and work tasks. It is only useful in smaller organizations and indexing done by this method, like a user-oriented conception, changes over time. Subject Description The article is about Jane Roland Martin’s argument for the SchoolHome, an idea of making the school home away from home. In this system, school children would be taught the three C’s: care, concern and communication and thus their education would be inclusive, merging intellectual with the heart. The result: the epidemic of violence would be reduced and the domestic vacuum in children’s lives filled for good. Derived Indexing Children of the ‘90s are a content-oriented concept that describes historical and cultural context in which the document is produced. Without using Children of the ‘90s in the subjects of the document one would lose context for the article, so it is important to include the article for understanding. It is possible to find documents like children’ education influenced by social conditions or changes of ‘90s. Domestic Vacuum in Children’s Lives is a user-oriented concept that is the foundation of the article and would be accessible from this common phrase or variations thereof (e. g. , â€Å"domestic vacuum†, â€Å"live* vacuum†, and â€Å"child* live*† using wildcards for the greatest number of matches for the concept). Schoolhome is essentially a simplistic and document-oriented concept that serves an identifier for the article in the most general way while it does not describe the content of the article. This term would be especially useful in finding such things as case studies or curriculum examples for Schoolhome. Rethinking Schools for Changing Families is an excellent term that touches slightly on all of Mai’s conceptions. While it is the book title of Jane Ronald Martin, in its various wildcard combinations is a simple general term, reflects the article’s content, and speaks to the more specialized non-expert and expert subject areas that are brought up with School, Changing, and Families. Transforming American Education is a document-oriented term that helps to focus the search to the overarching concepts that are touched on in Children of the ‘90s, Domestic Vacuum in Children’ Lives, Schoolhome, and Rethinking Schools for Changing Families. The document types that American Education points to vary from the basic to the expert, making it a very good lynch pin-term. Free Indexing Although the derived terms above do a good job in reflecting the ideas in the article, some additional terms may include: Social Context for Children Education, which brings in Education and children, but Social Context is a broader, less expert phrase than containing ‘90s and domestic vacuum terms. Philosophy of Children Education, which gives as sense of the article, but the word Philosophy may not be an obvious children education search term. School and Home in United States, which is akin to schoolhome. Schoolhome would also be a good derived term, but this is slightly more nominative than descriptive. Moreover, using United States as an example gives geographical criteria to indexing term. Family School Relationship expands on Children Education with relationship between Family and School. It also broadens the scope by detailing what the school reform would be about. School Reform is a good term that points the search in the direction of planning and results for Transforming American Education. These 5 free- indexed terms would all be in Mai’s user and requirement areas, since some of the terms might be meaningful to those experts enough to think of using jargon as search terms. Assigned Indexing (ERIC) Educational Change: I found that â€Å"education† was a better term over â€Å"school† for â€Å"reform†, but feel that my subject terms School Reform and Rethinking Schools for Changing Families are still appropriate in that they speak to individual schools (as in a study), although in the grand schema of the database it does not help to split hairs. In ERIC, education reform was educational change (as of 1996, although â€Å"reform† is still commonly used in society) and the contents regarded modification of things such as curriculum and teaching methods, which matches the article. Educational Philosophy: It is a good match, in that reflects the article’s context and themes. Social Environment: It means â€Å"social factors or conditions that influence individuals or groups†. It is a broader phrase than Social Context for Children Education. Family School Relationship: It has a placeholder for it but no information (i. e. , no related terms, but I take it to be a viable indexing entry). It is also used for school home relationship. School Community Relationship: It means â€Å"formal or informal interactions between an educational institution and the surrounding community†, which matches the article. I believe â€Å"brand names† like Domestic Vacuum in Children’s Live, Children of the ‘90s, Schoolhome, and Rethinking Schools for Changing Families do not have much use in the thesaurus, but the variations of Social Environment, Educational Philosophy, Family School Relationship, and School Community do an excellent job in representing the subject, derived and free terms above. Although I see where my subject analysis was too narrow in some places I am leaving the term â€Å"as-is† (except for â€Å"education reform† for â€Å"school reform†, which is not much of a trade seeing how it is actually â€Å"change†) to show the evolution of the indexing process in the assignment and in my mind. To revise my analysis would be like looking in the back of the textbook to do my homework. 6. 7. Compare, Contrast and Justification When I compared the derived and free indexing terms I selected with the descriptors in the ERIC thesaurus I was surprised by the number of them that were not in the ERIC thesaurus. In a few cases there was a close term, but for most there was nothing. This furthered my understanding of not only how challenging it is to select subjects for indexing, but how much harder it would be when faced with a controlled vocabulary. For the most part only the very narrow ‘generic’ subjects were listed in the thesaurus, the more descriptive terms were not. In two cases terms I selected actually has a better term in the thesaurus, such as my choice of School Reform compared to the ERIC thesaurus descriptor Educational Change. The thesaurus does a service to the search process by training the indexer to be as strategic as possible in boiling down the essential terms or concepts of an article. My derived and free terms were no less accurate than the assigned terms, because author Susan B. Pickford was writing with an audience in mind and used the â€Å"brand names† to illustrate her article. ERIC is invaluable in not only framing the terminology commonly used for subjects, but also gives the searcher context, such as what the current term used to be, along with a date of the change. This makes research interesting as an historical concept, and seeing how improvements have been made over the years, it helps to sharpen the indexer’s ear for the best possible match (e. g. , â€Å"education† in lieu of â€Å"school,† â€Å"change† instead of â€Å"reform†). As author Stephen Nachmanovich wrote, â€Å"Creativity exists more in the searching than in the finding. † However, in being creative as an indexer, you help the searcher in finding things where he wouldn’t normally have considered looking.